Sound decoders and electronics for railway modelling

Wireless DCC sound decoders and other electronic modules to add interactions to your layout in the easiest way. No command stations, boosters and CV programming required.

Wireless DCC / WCC Train Sound Decoder with 21MTC connector | H0, TT

A wireless DCC / WCC sound train decoder with 21MTC interface

220 zł

Digital Command Control (DCC) converter for Arduino, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi

A small circuit that converts the DCC signal from rails to HIGH|LOW that can be read by almost any MCU (Arduino boards, ESP32 boards, etc.)

59 zł

Wireless DCC / WCC Train Sound Decoder with NEM 652 8-pin connector | H0, TT

A wireless DCC / WCC sound train decoder with NEM 652 (8-pin) interface

230 zł

DCC-EX command station kit with WiFI

DCC-EX controller/command station with built-in WiFi to control model train layouts with DCC

340 zł

Wireless Accessory / Multi-function DCC decoder for signals, switches and other layout elements

A wireless accessory DCC sound decoder is a small circuit installed under a model railway layout and controls signals, turnouts, level crossings, and other layout elements using DCC (Digital Command Control), WCC (Wireless Command Control, check more info in our Documentation), or just a web browser. This module can be used with DC, AC, or battery.

190 zł

Digital Command Control (DCC) converter for Arduino and ESP32

A small circuit that converts the DCC signal from rails to HIGH|LOW that can be read by almost any MCU (Arduino boards, ESP32 boards, etc.)

64 zł

DCC / WCC Train Sound Decoder | H0, TT, N

A wireless DCC / WCC sound decoder is a small circuit that is installed into a train and controls movement, lights, sound, and other functions using DCC / WCC

195 zł